Women make the world turn around. The world may be boring if there were
no women. Women are good managers naturally, and good communicators.
Women are good at reading body language and they can make or mar a man.
The truth is, behind every good man, there is a woman.
Authors Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston interviewed more than 100 successful women all over the world, over a period of five years. They realised that one trait all successful women share is that They have found unique ways to be happy in their personal and professional lives, which is the source of strength and inspiration to give that extra 'oomph' to succeed. They did not make a choice between career andfamily. They choose both.
All of these women share the five foundation blocks of leadership:
1. Their jobs have a meaning. Men work for pay or recognition whereas these women worked for "making a difference" - a purpose.
2. They look at work in a positive manner. Sidestepping pessimistic and negative viewpoints, they utilize their positive mindset to give them the clarity and focus needed to be successful.
3. Successful women share their passion, vision and inspiration by developing strong relationships with colleagues and team members.
4. They make conscious effort to put aside their fears and take chances and opportunities. In doing so they set higher goals which they attain through their positive mindset.
5. They identify their energy source. It could be music, art, positive infectious energy from colleagues etc.Whatever works - each woman is unique!
Women have a plethora of roles to play ion the house. Women need to be supportive to their husband. They also have to be submissive. A woman who is not submissive to her husband is only showing her daughter how to treat their husband in the future.
Some of the greatest men that have ever lived will attribute the secret of their success to their mother. For instance, When Abraham Lincon'smother was on the sick bed, her last words were "Abraham, be somebodyin life." That is what motivated Abraham Lincoln not to give up until
he became the president of the United States of America.
Women have to accept responsibility for their children behaviour. Ifthe home is in order, a child will find it easier to make rapid strides in life. more than 30 percent of inmates almost all over the world are from a 'broken' home.
Ben Carson moved from being the dullest student in class back then in college to becoming arguably, the best neuro-surgeon in the world. His mother encouraged him to read two books every week when he was still in college. Later in life, he became a world renown neuro-surgeon.
Never underestimate the potency of your words, advice and encouragement on your children as a mother. One of the roles of a woman is to mentor her children. Teach your children everything they need to know. If you don't, they will learn it the wrong way outside.
Children learn by what they see, not by what they hear. In most cases, children follow or take onto what their parents do more than what they say. That's why a child is called a bastard whenhe or she behaves differently from her mother or her father
Here is one lesson. Never belittle your spouse in front of your children. If you have to caution your spouse, do it in the absence of your children. A woman has to learn to always praise her husband before the children, and by so doing, the children will respect their father.
Here is a story. A true, real life story. A boy was about to be executed after robbery. The boy felt remorse for his behaviour as he stares at death in the face. He was to be hanged. The rope has been tied. Police were around to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
The boy as he looked up for minutes, with tears rolling down his cheek, made a request to see his mother before his death. When the mother came, he beckoned on her trying to whisper something in her ears. Abruptly, he bite off the mother's ear. He told the mother publicly that he wouldn't have died untimely if his mother had told him he would be hanged to death if he is caught stealing.
Generally, it is believed that your children will give you a mark either a good mark or a bad one. The woman who does not take care of her children will soon meet Waterloo somewhere. Children her gifts. The best way to appreciate a gift is to use it well.
Authors Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston interviewed more than 100 successful women all over the world, over a period of five years. They realised that one trait all successful women share is that They have found unique ways to be happy in their personal and professional lives, which is the source of strength and inspiration to give that extra 'oomph' to succeed. They did not make a choice between career andfamily. They choose both.
All of these women share the five foundation blocks of leadership:
1. Their jobs have a meaning. Men work for pay or recognition whereas these women worked for "making a difference" - a purpose.
2. They look at work in a positive manner. Sidestepping pessimistic and negative viewpoints, they utilize their positive mindset to give them the clarity and focus needed to be successful.
3. Successful women share their passion, vision and inspiration by developing strong relationships with colleagues and team members.
4. They make conscious effort to put aside their fears and take chances and opportunities. In doing so they set higher goals which they attain through their positive mindset.
5. They identify their energy source. It could be music, art, positive infectious energy from colleagues etc.Whatever works - each woman is unique!
Women have a plethora of roles to play ion the house. Women need to be supportive to their husband. They also have to be submissive. A woman who is not submissive to her husband is only showing her daughter how to treat their husband in the future.
Some of the greatest men that have ever lived will attribute the secret of their success to their mother. For instance, When Abraham Lincon'smother was on the sick bed, her last words were "Abraham, be somebodyin life." That is what motivated Abraham Lincoln not to give up until
he became the president of the United States of America.
Women have to accept responsibility for their children behaviour. Ifthe home is in order, a child will find it easier to make rapid strides in life. more than 30 percent of inmates almost all over the world are from a 'broken' home.
Ben Carson moved from being the dullest student in class back then in college to becoming arguably, the best neuro-surgeon in the world. His mother encouraged him to read two books every week when he was still in college. Later in life, he became a world renown neuro-surgeon.
Never underestimate the potency of your words, advice and encouragement on your children as a mother. One of the roles of a woman is to mentor her children. Teach your children everything they need to know. If you don't, they will learn it the wrong way outside.
Children learn by what they see, not by what they hear. In most cases, children follow or take onto what their parents do more than what they say. That's why a child is called a bastard whenhe or she behaves differently from her mother or her father
Here is one lesson. Never belittle your spouse in front of your children. If you have to caution your spouse, do it in the absence of your children. A woman has to learn to always praise her husband before the children, and by so doing, the children will respect their father.
Here is a story. A true, real life story. A boy was about to be executed after robbery. The boy felt remorse for his behaviour as he stares at death in the face. He was to be hanged. The rope has been tied. Police were around to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
The boy as he looked up for minutes, with tears rolling down his cheek, made a request to see his mother before his death. When the mother came, he beckoned on her trying to whisper something in her ears. Abruptly, he bite off the mother's ear. He told the mother publicly that he wouldn't have died untimely if his mother had told him he would be hanged to death if he is caught stealing.
Generally, it is believed that your children will give you a mark either a good mark or a bad one. The woman who does not take care of her children will soon meet Waterloo somewhere. Children her gifts. The best way to appreciate a gift is to use it well.
By: Agbolade Omowole
E-mail: nigeriaslifecoach@gmail.com
Blog: www.101youngentrepreneurs.blogspot.com
Agbolade Omowole help young people and the young at heart to live the life of their dreams.
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