Life is like a journey that starts with a step. However, unlike every journey where the routes can be pre determined, predicted and planned out, life remains a mystery. For sure, no one knows what will probably happen in the next 5 seconds. The bird of time flies at the speed of light.
Barack Obama’s journey can be traced back to the independence of Kenya in 1963, the land of his fathers. He has broken the barrier of skin color and simulate the achievement of Martin Luther king jnr’s dream thus, I have a dream that one day my four little kids will live in a country where they will not be judged by the color of their skins, but by the content of their character.
Nigeria’s Musician Asa, sang a song where she affirmed that no one knows tomorrow. In her words, she enthused, “just the other day, I was talking to the weather man about today and all he could is that no one knows tomorrow …. You can study history, or philosophy or Plato’s ideologies, tomorrow is still a mystery, no one knows tomorrow.
Based on our uncertainty about the future, it is very normal to be scared, panicked or frightened about the future. In light of this, while we can’t determine incidences that will occur in the nearest future, we can tend to rely on our past experiences. Once in a while, we may see the need to try something new and different.
Change is the only thing that is constant in life. When we change our actions, thoughts, feelings, moods and expressions towards someone or an object, we get an entirely different result. And change like every other thing in life comes with a proce tag. There must be time allocated for learning the ropes.
Just twenty years ago, no one would imagine even in their wildest dream that a black will rule the world’s super power power and largest economy – united States of America. Beyond the world’s expectation, citizens embraced changed and ditched every atom of racism in them. Barack obama blazed the trail and broke the glass ceiling. He overcame the bounds of racism in our minds and provided a mental framework for this generation to embrace togetherness and love.
It is noteworthy here to affirm the fact that stories of successes are incomplete without their struggles. While Barack Obama has achieved some level of successes, he also has his own fair share of struggles, disappointment and failure. Like every other human, he has his own fears and flaws. He was not perfect.
In the words of Dinesh D’Souza, we are all shaped by our past and we carry some elements of our past into the future. Nothing can threaten the future than the debts of the past.
Dinesh D’Souza suggests that America is not a racist country. In his words, “racism is big issue in developed country. Show me racism today that is strong enough that can stop me or you, my daughter or your children form achieving the American dream? Where is that kind of racism?
I quite agree that America is not a racist country, though it once was. In a racist country, a clear boundary is drawn between citizens and visitors or foreigners. If America is a racist country, it won’t be possible for the country, considering its status as the world’s largest economy to be governed by a black. Americans wanted him and voted for him. The author suggested that it’s not that the racism is not there, it has gone underground. It used to be overt, but now, it is covert.
Barack Obama believed in one United States and do not promote racism. In his words in the 2004 democratic convention he said, “there is nothing like the Black Americans, White Americans, Latino Americans, or Asian American, there is the United States of America”
Barack Obama was born in the year 1961. He got his bachelor’s degree in 1983 and got married in the year 1992. He has mixed raced background. He studied at the Columbia, and later Harvard University.
Other presidents, before they came to office, they were known figures even if their rise was unexpected. “Barack Obama came from nowhere. No one really knew him and he came to the white house under basis of promise of hope” says Dinesh D’Souza
One American interviewed on the television said “I love our president because he is black and white. He appeals to all. Barack Obama is a ‘people person’ and has the unusual ability to connect to people and gain their support. In my opinion, his words most times carry deep meanings. Every leader must be able to carry everyone along.
Written by: omowole Agbolade
Contact: nigeriaslifecoach@gmail.com
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