There are points in our lives when we begin to think about our actions, the effect of our actions on our lives and on the lives of others, and how our actions have made us become better or bitter. To some of our actions, we are satisfied. To some, we may have regrets, thinking…had I known.
If you have ever thought about the reason you do the things you do consciously or unconsciously, and wish to learn the behaviours that will make you successful, then this article is for you.
Your thought determines your behaviour. Before you do anything, you would have thought about it. Your behaviour will be positive if your thoughts are positive. If you think negatively, then you may act negatively.
Your thoughts determine how you feel. If you think about one thing consistently for thirty minutes, you will develop some feelings. Your feelings are an expression of your emotion towards a thought or a person. Your feelings then motivate you to a state of readiness to act.
Your decisions affect your behaviour. While thinking, you compare your present situation with your past experiences. Everything you have experienced in life has been interpreted and stored in your brain in a certain way. Your past experiences then serve as a yardstick for making decisions. Anthony Robins counseled “Additional references (or experiences) offer us the potential for mastery.
Get experiential knowledge. One major experience may worth more than reading fifty books. Furthermore, maturity is not a measure of one’s age, but a measure of your experiences in life.
Our judgments may be based on our past experiences. When you notice a pattern similar to a previous experience, then you can predict the outcome. By changing your concept and approach, you will be able to explore another way to achieve the same result. In the process, you will experience new things, and that gives you a psychological advantage.
Your values shape your behaviour. What do you value most in life? The things you value most in life are central to every decision you make, and every action you take. Take for instance, a youngster who values hard work and honesty will not get involved in unjust get-rich-quick schemes.
Your emotional state determines your behaviour. Emotions are part of a complex dynamic process and they determine how you interact with people and ‘things’ in the world. Your emotional state may influence your mood and your actions.
In some survey research, people often report more than one emotion in relation to a specific event over time. These changes are referred to as emotional episode and may last from minutes to days.
Emotional states are not permanent. You can decide how you feel. You are sad not because someone made you sad, you are sad because you have not decided to be happy. Choose to be in a positive emotional state. Don’t let others determine your emotional state for you.
Your knowledge influences your behaviour. Some of your emotional responses result from your stored knowledge. Intuitive feelings occur when you cannot explain why you acted in a certain way. You can add to your knowledge base by learning from others. Life is too short to experience everything. Learn from other people’s experiences.
Your behviour starts from your thought, which is sieved by your reference frame which includes your values, beliefs and past experiences. You often compare your situation with your stored knowledge and your past experiences to make a judgment in the form of a decision, and then you act. That’s how you behave.
Ultimately, behaviours operate on the Hedonic principle. The Hedonic principle states that you approach pleasurable experiences and withdraw from painful ones. Most of the major decisions you have made in your life has been to avoid pain. In the words of Henry Ward Beecher, “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you.”
By: Agbolade Omowole
E-mail: nigeriaslifecoach@gmail.com
Blog: http://www.101youngentrepreneurs.blogspot.com/
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